FESSH 2024 in Rotterdam

Dear Colleagues,
We are very pleased to invite you to attend the 2024 FESSH meeting in Rotterdam, The Netherlands. Due to the Covid pandemic, we had to change the meeting in 2021 to an online meeting only. Fortunately in 2024, we are very happy to host the FESSH congress which will have lots of opportunities for both educational exchange as well as social interaction with colleagues and friends.

With our experience of organizing in 2021, we will put together a fantastic program.
The program includes multiple parallel sessions to offer as much educational content as possible for everyone’s interest. Together with the Journal of Hand Surgery European volume, we will offer several sessions, for example on for best cited and most downloaded papers, how to write best a paper, statistics and more research related sessions. Also, the program will have several instructional courses, case discussion, workshops and the traditional EWAS session. Even live surgery sessions in the Cad lab will be included.
As the theme of the meeting is peripheral nerve surgery, we will focus on all aspects of nerve surgery ranging, from brachial plexus to neuropathic pain

The social program includes the FESSH Party on very trendy location in Rotterdam.

In closing, we are looking forward to welcoming you to Rotterdam in June 2024. The venue location is in a vibrant city with great cuisine, exquisite art and Europe largest harbor with an impressive skyline.
It promises to be a fantastic program that will only get better with your input as participants!
Come to join us, to innervate and excite!

Warm greetings,

Brigitte van der Heijden & J. Henk Coert
Presidents FESSH 2024

Main theme
Innervate and excite

FESSH-JHS(E) Special Issue
Peripheral nerve surgery of upper extremity





von 26.06.2024 bis 29.06.2024


De Doelen
Schouwburgplein 50, 3012 CL Rotterdam, Niederlande


FESSH Website


FESSH Website